This was also a great movement which undermined America's power throughout the world. In spite of all that power, respect for America was suddenly lost in the eyes of people from around the world. 

The situation became so severe that the American President [President Jimmy Carter] resorted to a covert military attack to rescue the detainees. They deployed their spies inside the country. They prepared the ground [for operations]. They spoke to different mercenaries. They considered different places for their operation. They attacked our country with their helicopters and airplanes. 

The plan was to regroup in Tabas, go to Tehran, help the detainees escape, and take them to America. But a well-known event happened in Tabas, and Allah the Exalted destroyed their prestige. Their airplanes and helicopters caught fire, and they were forced to return to America from Tabas.

Imam Khamenei, Nov 3, 2010

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