نوجوان خامنه‌ای


۱۴۸ مطلب در بهمن ۱۳۹۷ ثبت شده است

Bodies of past POTUSs have turned into worm food, Iran stands strong

Bodies of past POTUSs have turned into worm food, Iran stands strong

Who would ever doubt that a government, like the government of the U.S., is a manifestation of corruption and malignancy? What malignant action you know in the world that they have not committed yet? You have seen, during all these years, in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, in the sea or in the deserts—wherever the Americans felt they can have some benefits, and those benefits are achieved by killing some people— they did not hesitate. At the same time, they chant slogans in favor of human rights. Devils of the world have always been the same[...].

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۹۲ موافق ۱
American values, from the massacre of Natives in the U.S., to the massacre of Palestinians

American values, from the massacre of Natives in the U.S., to the massacre of Palestinians

Are these the qualities of the American society today? Was it not your government that massacred the natives of America and destroyed the natives? Even today the people of Palestine are being palpably and openly terrorized and murdered in their own homes on a daily basis and at the hands of the usurpers of their homes. Was your attack on Vietnam not terrorism? Was your attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki terrorism?

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۸۴ موافق ۱
Armed forces of the soft war

Armed forces of the soft war

The pervasive soft war staged by the enemy today is undeniable. However, some deny it, hence themselves forming a part of the soft war. In this war, artists and intellectuals resemble the armed forces in an actual military war.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۸۴ موافق ۱
Poster: Soft War is an undeniable phenomenon

Poster: Soft War is an undeniable phenomenon

The pervasive soft war staged by the enemy today is undeniable.  In this war, artists and intellectuals resemble the armed forces in a military war. Some individuals pass by this national event indifferently; some side with the enemies and help them; the first group are irresponsible and the latter are on the side of the enemies.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۶۱ موافق ۱
When Pahlavi regime opened fire at students protesting Nixon's visit

When Pahlavi regime opened fire at students protesting Nixon's visit

The nature and characteristic of student movements - at least in our country - is that they are against arrogance, domination and dictatorship and that they are advocates of justice. Perhaps in many other countries too, student movements are like this.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۲۶ موافق ۱
خواندنی | در سوگ لاله‌ها

خواندنی | در سوگ لاله‌ها

پیام آقا به مناسبت شهادت جمعی از جوانان پاسدار

آقا در پیامی به مناسبت شهادت جمعی از جوانان پاسدار انقلاب اسلامی در حادثه تروریستی سیستان و بلوچستان این حادثه را تسلیت گفتند. متن پیام رهبر انقلاب را باهم می‌خوانیم:

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۱۰۲۱ موافق ۱
Imam Hassan al-Askari (a.s.) is a role model for all believers, especially the youth

Imam Hassan al-Askari (a.s.) is a role model for all believers, especially the youth

These days belong to Imam Hassan al-Askari (a.s.), who can be the role model for all believers, especially for young people. Everybody including his supporters, Shia Muslims, his opponents, those who do not believe in him and everybody else has acknowledged his virtues, his knowledge, his piety, his purity, his infallibility, his courage against his enemies, and his patience and steadfastness in the face of hardships.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۶۹ موافق ۱
The role of a lady in turning a city into a global influential hub

The role of a lady in turning a city into a global influential hub

There exist three glittering, outstanding points among all the bright spots of Qom: First, the holy shrine of Hazrat Fatimah Masoumeh (r.a); an exceptional woman, from near her holy grave arose, for the first time, this bounteous, exuberant spring [city of Qom], bringing blessings to the entire world, especially to the Muslim world. 

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۶۹ موافق ۱
Yemen: If Jesus were among us today...

Yemen: If Jesus were among us today...

If Jesus were among us today, he would not spare even a single moment to fight the leaders of despotism and global arrogance; nor would he tolerate hunger and wandering of millions of people, degenerated by the hegemonic and colonialist powers into war, corruption, and violence.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۳۱ موافق ۱
A few recommendations by Ayatollah Khamenei for spouses

A few recommendations by Ayatollah Khamenei for spouses

Keep secrets of life carefully

Wife and husband should keep each other's secrets. The wife should not say her husband's secrets to anyone. The husband should neither tell his wife's secrets to for example his friends in the gym or a party, etc. Be careful, keep each other's secrets carefully, so that your relationship can be persistent and sweet, God willing. April 13, 1999

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۵۳ موافق ۱
Respecting grandparents is an Islamic tradition

Respecting grandparents is an Islamic tradition

Our nation is one that respects the elderly people. This is a tradition that dates back to ancient times. It is also part of the Islamic principles: “Respect your elderlies [Shabaniyah Supplication].” Grandparents are like a candle around whom all other family members flock, like butterflies. Whereas, in Western cultures, grandparents are often ignored. They don’t attend to the generation that they believe ‘looks to the past.’ Even when they respect the elderly to some extent, they don’t actually appreciate them. We, on the contrary, do appreciate the elderly. They gradually managed to do these [in order to promote a culture of ignoring the elderly] via an imposed, forced culture; of course, forced in a new manner! Imposition can be done by pointing the gun towards someone’s head and forcing them to do a particular thing; or else, by means of mass communication, a concept, or an idea is so repeated over and over throughout the society until it is instilled in the minds of the people and—whether they want it or not—this idea is reflected in their thoughts, words and actions.

Statements during a meeting with poets, literary intellectuals and artists of Eastern Azerbaijan. July 30, 1993

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نظر ۱ بازدید ۳۲۰ موافق ۱
Saudi regime's accomplices in genocide in Yemen

Saudi regime's accomplices in genocide in Yemen

I will tell you that the notorious enemies of Islamic Iran are covered in filth: the filth of moral and political corruption. They are soaked in filth. Take a look at American politicians today. Take a look at their materialism, their violation of the truth and their indifference to the lives and property of individuals and nations. One example is in Yemen. In Yemen, it is the Saudis who are committing the crime, but the Americans are their accomplices. They themselves have acknowledged this. They target hospitals, markets, the parliament and the places where the people gather. The issue is not about a military dispute, rather they are opposed to nations. They are criminals and soaked in filth.

Dec 12, 2018

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۳۹ موافق ۱
نماهنگ | و اکنون گام دوم

نماهنگ | و اکنون گام دوم

از میان همه‌ی ملّتهای زیر ستم، کمتر ملّتی به انقلاب همّت میگمارد؛ و در میان ملّتهایی که به پا خاسته و انقلاب کرده‌اند، کمتر دیده شده که توانسته باشند کار را به نهایت رسانده و به‌جز تغییر حکومتها، آرمانهای انقلابی را حفظ کرده باشند. امّا انقلاب پُرشکوه ملّت ایران که بزرگ‌ترین و مردمی‌ترین انقلاب عصر جدید است، تنها انقلابی است که یک چلّه‌ی پُرافتخار را بدون خیانت به آرمانهایش پشت سر نهاده و در برابر همه‌ی وسوسه‌هایی که غیر قابل مقاومت به نظر میرسیدند، از کرامت خود و اصالت شعارهایش صیانت کرده و اینک وارد دوّمین مرحله‌ی خودسازی و جامعه‌پردازی و تمّدن‌سازی شده ‌است. درودی از اعماق دل بر این ملّت؛ بر نسلی که آغاز کرد و ادامه داد و بر نسلی که اینک وارد فرایند بزرگ و جهانیِ چهل سال دوّم میشود.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۱۴۵۸ موافق ۲
طرح | جوان پیشرو، دلیل امید

طرح | جوان پیشرو، دلیل امید

«اعتقاد به جوانان» و استفاده از «نیروی جوان باانگیزه» به عنوان «موتور پیشران حرکت کشور» هموار از نکات مورد اعتقاد و تأکید حضرت آیت‌الله خامنه‌ای از ابتدای انقلاب اسلامی تا امروز در طول مدت مسئولیت ایشان در مناصب مختلف بوده است. همچنین، یکی از مسائل مهمی که رهبر انقلاب اسلامی همواره در جلسات کاری و دیدارهای مختلفی که با مسئولان کشوری و لشگری برگزار می‌کنند بر آن تأکید دارند، مسأله‌ی «خودباوری» و «اعتقاد به وجود راه حل مشکلات در درون کشور» است.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۸۹۰ موافق ۲
سخن‌نگاشت | بیانیه «گام دوم انقلاب» خطاب به ملت ایران

سخن‌نگاشت | بیانیه «گام دوم انقلاب» خطاب به ملت ایران

انقلاب کبیر اسلامی ایران در حالی چهلمین سالگرد پیروزی خود را پشت سر گذاشت و قدم به دهه‌ی پنجم حیات خود نهاد که اگرچه دشمنان مستکبرش گمان‌های باطلی در سر داشتند اما دوستانش در سراسر جهان، امیدوارانه آن را در گذر از چالش‌ها و به دست آوردن پیشرفت‌های خیره‌کننده، همواره سربلند دیده‌اند.
در چنین نقطه‌ی عطفی، رهبر حکیم انقلاب اسلامی با صدور «بیانیه‌ی گام دوم انقلاب» و برای ادامه‌ی این راه روشن، به تبیین دستاوردهای شگرف چهار دهه‌ی گذشته پرداخته و توصیه‌هایی اساسی به‌منظور «جهاد بزرگ برای ساختن ایران اسلامی بزرگ» ارائه فرموده‌اند.
بیانیه‌ی «گام دوم انقلاب» تجدید مطلعی است خطاب به ملت ایران و به‌ویژه جوانان که به‌مثابه منشوری برای «دومین مرحله‌ی خودسازی، جامعه‌پردازی و تمدن‌سازی» خواهد بود و «فصل جدید زندگی جمهوری اسلامی» را رقم خواهد زد.
این گام دوم، انقلاب را «به آرمان بزرگش که ایجاد تمدن نوین اسلامی و آمادگی برای طلوع خورشید ولایت عظمیٰ (ارواحنافداه) هست» نزدیک خواهد کرد.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۱۴۸۶ موافق ۱
Lady Zeinab(a.s.) proved that women are in the core of making history

Lady Zeinab(a.s.) proved that women are in the core of making history

Lady Zeinab (as) is a perfect example of a Muslim woman: a role model for women's education, which Islam presents before the eyes of the world.

Lady Zeinab represents a multi-dimensional personality: she is wise and well-educated with great knowledge; a distinguished person; anyone who meets her, feels humble before the greatness of her wise soul and her insight.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۵۲۸ موافق ۱
40 years of miscalculations

40 years of miscalculations

On December 31, 1977, the U.S. President of the time visited Tehran wherein he delivered a speech about Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, praising him lavishly and falsely. In that speech, he called Iran the 'Island of Stability'. What does that mean? It means that the U.S. felt assured about Iran – dependent Iran and its servile officials. It means that the U.S. felt at ease because of that stability.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۴۲۶ موافق ۱
Whose activities encouraged Ayatollah Khamenei to participate in political activism?

Whose activities encouraged Ayatollah Khamenei to participate in political activism?

I have been influenced by several personalities. One of those who greatly influenced me, when I was young, was Nawab-Safavi.

April 27, 1998

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۸۳ موافق ۱
Enemies try to paint the face of the subordinate Pahlavi family

Enemies try to paint the face of the subordinate Pahlavi family

Those who are familiar with the world of books, newspapers and articles can see what the enemies are doing. Today, they are trying to garnish and give status to the vicious and malevolent Pahlavi regime—the corrupt, dependent, malevolent and oppressive regime that kept our country backward for many years and that created great problems for the people of Iran. Today, this is being done by the camp which stands against the Islamic Republic. Their supporters are those people who were opposed to the essence of the Revolution, who were against the revolutionary people of Iran and who are still strongly opposed to the people's loyalty to the Revolution. Of course, they have not managed to achieve their goal until today[...]

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۷۰ موافق ۱
The massacre of about 50 Yemeni children breaks the heart of any human being

The massacre of about 50 Yemeni children breaks the heart of any human being

The U.S. has become more blatant and ruder in their rhetoric over the past few months. Previously they were not so observant of diplomatic etiquette in their speech either; however, they have become ruder towards all nations.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۳۹۸ موافق ۱
The way to economic boost is not relying on West, but relying on domestic capabilities

The way to economic boost is not relying on West, but relying on domestic capabilities

All the scientific, social and technological advances have been made while the Iranian nation was under sanctions. This is a very important point. They closed the gates of science and technology to us. They closed off the roads. They refused to sell us the products we needed, yet we made progress. These things happened while we were under sanctions. This is why hopes are growing[...]

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۵۲۸ موافق ۱
US and Israel's costly, heavy defeat in West Asia

US and Israel's costly, heavy defeat in West Asia

Their anger is because of the fact that America had a certain plan for West Asia, which they refer to as the "Middle East". They had this plan since 15, 16 years ago – and perhaps since before that. The plan might have been devised sometime before that, but it emerged 15, 16 years ago. They sometimes referred to this plan as "The New Middle East" and sometimes as "The Greater Middle East." They had a certain plan for this region. The main axis and heart of this plan was comprised of Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. These three countries were three axes and centers where the main part of this plan should have been implemented.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۴۴۴ موافق ۱
US is complicit in Saudis’ crimes in Yemen: Ayatollah Khamenei

US is complicit in Saudis’ crimes in Yemen: Ayatollah Khamenei

I will tell you that the notorious enemies of Islamic Iran are covered in filth: the filth of moral and political corruption. They are soaked in filth. Take a look at American politicians today. Take a look at their materialism, their violation of the truth and their indifference to the lives and property of individuals and nations. One example is in Yemen. In Yemen, it is the Saudis who are committing the crime, but the Americans are their accomplices. They themselves have acknowledged this. They target hospitals, markets, the parliament and the places where the people gather. The issue is not about a military dispute, rather they are opposed to nations. They are criminals and soaked in filth.

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نظر ۰ بازدید ۵۰۵ موافق ۱